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The Pennsylvania Opioid Misuse and Addiction Abatement Trust (the “Trust”) was established by Order (“Order”) of the Honorable Lori Dumas of the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania on July 12, 2022. The Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of thirteen members. The Trust receives funds from settlements entered into by the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General and opioid manufacturers, distributors, and pharmacy chains. The Trust distributes those settlement funds to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, counties, and subdivisions for use by those entities exclusively to abate the opioid crisis in Pennsylvania.   

The Trust is responsible for receiving and investing settlement money, disbursing annual settlement shares to the state, counties, and litigating subdivisions, reviewing county and subdivision certifications and annual reports on spending, and preparing an annual report and accounting for the authorizing court. The Order creating the Trust is available here. The Report to the Commonwealth Court filed November 7, 2023, is available here.



Thomas VanKirk, Esq.


(appointed by the Governor)

Tumar Alexander

Senior Advisor to Mayor Cherelle Parker

(appointed by the Honorable Cherelle Parker, Mayor of Philadelphia)

The Honorable Kevin Boozel

Commissioner, Butler County

(appointed by County Commissioners/Executives of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Region)

Erin Dalton

Director, Allegheny County Department of Human Services

(appointed by the Allegheny County Executive)

Secretary Latika Davis-Jones

Secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs

(appointed by the Governor)

The Honorable Gene DiGirolamo

Commissioner, Bucks County

(appointed by County Commissioners/Executives of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Region)

Steve Jasper

Community Connections Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrator Clearfield and Jefferson Counties

(appointed by County Commissioners/Executives of the Northwestern Pennsylvania Region)

Shea Madden

Executive Director, West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission

(appointed by County Commissioners/Executives of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Region)

The Honorable Robert Postal

Commissioner, Mifflin County

(appointed by County Commissioners/Executives of the Capital Region)

The Honorable Greg Rothman

Pennsylvania Senate District 34

(appointed by the Senate Republican Caucus)

The Honorable Mark Rozzi

Pennsylvania State Representative, District 126 

(appointed by the House Democratic Caucus)

The Honorable Jim Struzzi

Pennsylvania State Representative, District 62

(appointed by the House Republican Caucus)

The Honorable Christine Tartaglione 

Pennsylvania Senate District 2 

(appointed by the Senate Democratic Caucus)